Please note G.C. Waldrep's CALL FOR WORK for an anthology of writings about Paul Celan. The deadline for submissions is 2/5/2010.
Seeking work for an anthology of creative, critical, and/or personal responses to the life and work of Paul Celan, to be published by Marick Press (www.marickpress.com) in September 2010. Work already slated for inclusion in the anthology includes pieces by Susan Stewart, Marjorie Perloff, Jerome Rothenberg, Andrew Joron, Ingeborg Bachman (translated by Pierre Joris), Jean Daive (translated by Rosmarie Waldrop), Anne Carson, Nikolai Popov, Sawako Nakayasu, and Dan Beachy-Quick.
All work should be in English (or accompanied by an English translation, if the original is in a language other than English). Verse and/or prose up to 25 pp. accepted. While unpublished work is fine, we would be equally delighted to read previously-published work. In the case of previously-published work, please include citation(s) of prior publication.
Please send submissions as e-mail attachments to gcwaldrep