Back again (and video about why industrial wind turbines are so bad)

Hi, everyone.  Has it really been almost three weeks since I posted?  Sorry about that.  I got quite sick (which is to say, poorly -- I know about half my readers speak English rather than American) and just could not get better for two weeks.  When I finally did, I was behind on everything.  Not only did it make a mess of the holidays, but I missed a prime time for bloggers and feature writers, when we can look back over the year or prognosticate about the new one.  I might do just a tiny bit of that -- after all, if I could not live with being late, I would not be able to live with myself.

I will start posting again this week.  In the meantime, I will post a link to a talk I just gave and then recorded a voiceover slideshow version, an overview of the case against industrial wind turbines (which is roughly synonymous with "the case against wind power" given current practice).  Caveats: it is long (50 minutes; it is not a topic that can be covered quickly), I cannot claim it is the best version of that overview available (there are others by people who specialize in making that overview, whereas I normally focus on the health effects), and there are bits that are for the specific audience (though that is explained  at the beginning and should not be a problem).  Otoh, I think it is pretty good, or I would not have recorded it, and there are some interesting things to learn about the topic.  So if you are interested in that topic or just like the way I give talks, here it is: